Tourism Fernie Home Page
  • Fly fishing in Fernie British Columbia

The Elk River is a Class II Classified Waters river due to its highly productive trout streams and protecting the unique fishing opportunities. 

As such two licences are required to fish on the Elk River: #1 Basic Licence (~ $11-$22/day) and #2 Class II Waters Licence (~ $22/day). Elk River is open every year except between April 1 - June 14 annually. There are different fishing regulations for summer fishing versus winter fishing. See below for details or contact one of the local fishing operators.

Fishing Regulations & Licence Costs - 2023-2025 Kootenay Region

Licenses can be purchased by day, week or annually. Annual licenses run from April 1st to March 31st the following year. You can purchase your fishing licence online, or in Fernie at Elk River Guiding & Fly Shop, Kootenay Fly Shop, or the Fernie Court House BC Access Centre Office.


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