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  • Cycling Without Age in Fernie
  • Cycling Without Age in Fernie

Cycling Without Age (CWA) is a global movement that takes seniors and others with limited mobility out for bike rides in specially designed bikes called trishaws. Both locals and visitors are invited!

The trishaw provides a comfortable seat for one or two passengers at the front of the bike, and is powered by a ‘pedal-assist’ electric motor and an amazing volunteer pilot. Rides are offered free of charge to seniors and those with mobility issues. Book a ride with to feel the wind in your hair again!

To sign up for a trishaw ride, please read and understand the Passenger Handbook and waiver then get in touch.

If possible, complete the application and email to [email protected] prior to your first ride. Alternatively, a waiver can be available when you first ride. 

  • Contact Information
  • 250-278-1280
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